Yearly Archives: 2022

We would like to share with you an interesting story about a talented engineer from Latvia – Juris Klonovs. We first met Juris in 2015 at the conference organized by our association “Motus Vita”. He flew in from Denmark, where he was working and doing research in the field of biomedical engineering. Juris introduced us...
Why is it important to learn to recognise your value and what steps do you need to take to accept yourself and your choices? These are the questions we sought to answer at the latest meeting of the series “Inner Human Resources”. The conversation turned out to be very open and warm, we believe that...
Another master class named “Promoting Health and Well-being Through the Basic Principles of Ergotherapy” was led by our good friend, certified ergotherapist Sabīne Mikulāne- Dzelzkalēja. The participants had a lot of questions about the topic, but thanks to the efficient teamwork and friendly atmosphere, all the questions were answered. The participants of the master class...
This is not the first time when the participants of the MOTUS VITA art therapy programme have taken part in a charity fair at the shopping centre DEPO. As always, it is an exciting and emotionally-charged event. The opportunity to show the results of one’s creative work, to increase self-confidence, to meet like-minded people, to...
We learn to interact throughout our lives – with other people, with ourselves, with the universe. And often we are far from being satisfied with the results of these interactions, and consequently not always satisfied with ourselves.  Acting classes is one of the best tools which help to improve the quality of our relationship with...
MOTUS VITA members had a possibility to take part in an interesting meeting took place in the beginning of May in a cosy hall of Svētās Ģimenes Māja. The meeting was headed by Rita Troškina – journalist, presenter of the programme “Green Lamp” at Baltkom radio station, author of the poetry book “Luno Momento”.  You...
Our good friends, physiotherapist Anna Deimantaite and certified occupational therapist Sabīne Mikulāne-Dzelzkalēja gave a great masterclass “Well-being is the Basis of Health”. We have found out a lot of useful and interesting information about what exactly can we do for our health by making use of available resources. In the first part of the workshop,...