The annual international ALS/MND asociation aliance meeting took place on 2nd and 3rd of december 2012. In Chicago (USA). ALS/MND aliance consists of associations from all around the world. This time delegations from all the continents took part in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was the exchange of expierience for fighting ALS/MND illneses and further initiative and strategy development.
For the fist time representatives Valerijs Rakovs and Ilze Gaile from Latvian society MOTUS VITA, which unites people suffering from ALS/MND, took a part in such a big and international meeting.
The chairman of MOTUS VITA Valerijs Rakovs gave a speech in which he introduced his colegues with the current situation of ALS/MND ilnesses in Latvia. He told about the problems, current projects and programms which are being implemented and those which are just being planned. A high recogniton of collegues was earned for the art therapy programme, which has been taking place only for a short period of time, but has shown really great results and keeps on evolving.
In the framework of conference participants from Latvia met with national organisations of Belgium, USA, Thailand and Australia to speak about practical questions for further cooperation.