On November 23rd, 2014, at 17.00 an official inauguration of the international art exhibition ART Riga Fair 2014 took place. This is annual long-term project where art professionals from all over the world are invited to participate: best art galleries, publishers of specialized magazines, critics and others. In the frame of this global art project the social action organization of people with reduced capabilities MOTUS VITA held an event named “A long path of the disabled people from art therapy towards Art Brut”.
Thus, MOTUS VITA members and friends had a possibility to get acquainted with the exhibited items: Salvador Dali, Mark Chagall original pictures, as well as many other contemporary paintings.
An honorary guest of the event was Elena Tonova who shared her experience in hand-made art promotion. She discovered details of successful sales of hand-made items, secrets of design, and psychological aspects of commercialization.
Then, MOTUS VITA project manager Valerija Kozlova together with the Chairman of the organization Valery Rakov told about the very beginning of art therapy course in 2010, about difficulties met both by project organizers and participants, and, finally, about results of the recent four-years activities – Art Brut.
This period culminated in 9 exhibitions of works by art therapy project participants, a huge amount of positive emotions and unlimited happiness.
The social action organization of people with reduced capabilities MOTUS VITA thanks heartily “Happy Art Museum Ltd.” for the invitation to organize the event in the frame of the ART Riga Fair 2014.
We are proud to invite you to our regular 10th exhibition which will be open on December 12th, 2014, on the 7th floor of the shopping centre Galleria Riga.