On June 27, 2015, a long-awaited meeting dedicated to fairy tale therapy took place in the frame of the “ Bibliotherapy” project. The meeting was welcomed by the „Svētās Ģimenes Māja” Centre (The Holy Family House) at 5 Klostera street in Riga. A nunnery was located in this building at the 13th century. After the reconstruction you still can see a fragment of the paved street and original 13th century’s stone walls which marked then the border of Riga city. Both the atmosphere of olden time of the „Svētās Ģimenes Māja” Centre and amazing by its contents and spirit seminar of the psychologist and storyteller Anna Kašina inspired a fabulous mood to all the participants.
It is to be noted that every attendee was not only a passive observer, but a very active participant of the seminar. It was overwhelmingly approved by the participants that fairy tale therapy program is to continue. Everyone understood that the fairy tale therapy is able to resolve various psychological problems. But still it is not a fabulous medication which shall help in one pull, but a long, hard work. The result will arrive only after a while, but it certainly will arrive.
It is so pleasant to feel the warm and sincere atmosphere of our meetings, to see the faces of our members shining with joy.