We all know and love theater like spectators. But how this miraculous action – a theatre performance – is being born? How do they do it? On September 18th, 2016, MOTUS VITA members and our guests had a unique possibility to found out answers to these questions from the source. Tatjana Lukasenkova, actress of the Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre shared with us secrets of her profession. She was not only very open-hearted to tell us about her long-term professional experience, but also showed herself in a different role of a brilliant singer accompanied by excellent musicians.
Our conversation about art was so natural in the artistic atmosphere of the Riga Happy Art Museum where out meeting took place in the frame of the program of acquiring actor art and public speaking skills.
“Love! Love toward your nearest people, love toward your profession!” – that was the answer of Tatjana to the question about her remedy in difficult situations which happen in life of everyone.