“I want to be heard!”

“I want to be understood”, “I want to be an interesting interlocutor” – we hear such phrases quite often. Social certainty means even more to people with special needs. It is in this purpose that the Association MOTUS VITA has started its cooperation with the Theatre Studio STADIA. With the support of the Charity Foundation...

“I want to be understood”, “I want to be an interesting interlocutor” – we hear such phrases quite often. Social certainty means even more to people with special needs. It is in this purpose that the Association MOTUS VITA has started its cooperation with the Theatre Studio STADIA. With the support of the Charity Foundation of Boris and Inara Teterevs, various events take place all over the year 2017, thus contributing to development of communication, acting and public speaking skills.

Communication with the people surrounding us is an integral part of our life. And it is not always that we really enjoy it. It is not rare that we cannot reach our goals due to communication problems. This issue is particularly significant to people with special needs. They crawl into their shell, become depressive, which causes further health deterioration.

One of the most successful methods of social adaptation for persons with special needs are acting techniques. According to MOTUS VITA members participating in respective classes, they feel really positive about memory and concentration training exercises, as well as practice of diction, improvisation, associative thinking.

Masterclasses are held by the authors of the OPEN THEATRE project Tatjana Cherkovska, STADIA manager, actress, theatre teacher, and Andrey Garkavi – STADIA art-director, actor and producer.

Tatjana and Andrey have a fine appearance of possibilities, abilities, and limiting factors of every participant, so the atmosphere of classes is saturated with a feeling of team work, creativity, friendliness, and mutual help.

“We try to make theater an open platform for everybody despite of health condition, social status, or age. We want people to learn to be free through involvement into a creative process. We believe to be able to help our participants to overcome fair, doubts, feeling of loneliness, to ease their integration into usual environment, to provide them a certain support in life” – say Tatjana and Andrey.

We are sincerely grateful to compassionate people and organizations for providing premises for our masterclasses, tickets to theatre performances, invitations to cultural events. Together we can widen even more the frames of the project and support those people who truly need it.